
flexiEdge is core component in the flexiWAN ECO System.


This chart bootstraps flexiEdge as a Kubernetes VM intsnace on top of KubeVirt technology.


The flexiEdge HelmChart is focused on flexiEdge deployment configuration.

To keep this HelmChart as generic as possible we tend to avoid integrating any third party solutions nor any specific use cases.

Accordingly, the encouraged approach to fulfill your needs:

  1. override the default flexiEdge configuration values (yaml file or cli)
  2. append your own configurations (kubectl apply -f myconf.yaml)
  3. extend this HelmChart (as a Subchart)



With the command helm version, make sure that you have:

With the command kubectl version, make sure that you have:

With the command kubectl get kubevirt.kubevirt.io/kubevirt -n kubevirt -o=jsonpath="{.status.observedKubeVirtVersion}", make sure that you have

With the command cat /etc/cni/net.d/00-multus.conf | jq .cniVersion, make sure that you have:

Adding Chart Repository

Add flexiEdge’s chart repository to Helm: Artifact Hub

For Main

helm repo add flexiwan https://helm.flexiwan.com/main

For Testing

helm repo add flexiwan https://helm.flexiwan.com/testing

For Unstable

helm repo add flexiwan https://helm.flexiwan.com/unstable

You can update the chart repository by running:

helm repo update

Deploying the chart

To install the chart with the release name my-flexiedge:

helm install my-flexiedge flexiwan/flexiedge

Tip: List all releases using helm list -A

Undeploying the Chart

To uninstall/delete the my-flexiedge deployment:

$ helm delete my-flexiedge

The command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release.


Common parameters

Name Description Value
nameOverride String to partially override flexiedge.fullname template (will maintain the release name) ""
fullnameOverride String to fully override multus.fullname template ""

Image parameters

Name Description Value
ImageVersion flexiEdge Docker Image version latest
Name Description Value
nameOverride String to partially override flexiedge.fullname template (will maintain the release name) ""
fullnameOverride String to fully override multus.fullname template ""

flexiEdge parameters

Name Description Value
flexiedge.token flexiWAN organization token for device registration. ""

Kubevirt parameters

Name Description Value
kubevirt.name VirtualMachines Name. flexiedge
kubevirt.running VirtualMachines Run Strategies. Determines whether or not there should be a guest running. true
kubevirt.memory VirtualMachines Memory allocation (Minimum 4G). 4096M
kubevirt.cpu VirtualMachines VCPU allocation (Minimum 2 cores). 2
kubevirt.mount VirtualMachines Persistent Volume location on the host. /mnt

Network parameters

Name Description Value
ethernets.cni0.enabled Default network interface (mandatory). Can not be disbaled. true
ethernets.cni0.type Interface type. Valid optional: bridge (mandatory) bridge
ethernets.cni0.dhcp Enable or Disable DHCP (mandatory) true
ethernets.cni0.dhcproutes Enable or Disable getting Default Gateway via DHCP (optional) true
ethernets.cni0.address If DHCP is disable, please provide an IPv4 address (mandatory) ``
ethernets.cni0.gateway if DHCP is disable, please provide an IPv4 gateway (optional) ``
ethernets.cni0.nameservers.search DNS Name Server Search flexiwan.local
ethernets.cni0.nameservers.search.addresses DNS Name Servers [,]
ethernets.cni1.enabled Default network interface (mandatory). true
ethernets.cni1.type Interface type. Valid optional: sriov, bridge (mandatory) sriov
ethernets.cni1.sriov SRIOV Virtual Function alias (mandatory when using type: sriov) smartedge-apps/sriov-vfio-network-c1p1
ethernets.cni1.dhcp Enable or Disable DHCP (mandatory) false
ethernets.cni1.dhcproutes Enable or Disable getting Default Gateway via DHCP (optional) true
ethernets.cni1.address If DHCP is disable, please provide an IPv4 address (mandatory)
ethernets.cni1.gateway if DHCP is disable, please provide an IPv4 gateway (optional) ``
ethernets.cni1.nameservers.search DNS Name Server Search flexiwan.local
ethernets.cni1.nameservers.search.addresses DNS Name Servers [,]

Exposing the flexiEdge dashboard

This HelmChart does not expose the flexiEdge dashboard by default, for security concerns. Thus, there are multiple ways to expose the dashboard. For instance, the dashboard access could be achieved through a port-forward :

kubectl port-forward $(kubectl get pods --selector "app.kubernetes.io/name=flexiEdge" --output=name) 8080:80

Accessible with the url:

Another way would be to apply your own configuration, for instance, by defining and applying an IngressRoute CRD.


If you want to contribute to this chart, please read the Contributing Guide.