
flexiEdge is core component in the flexiWAN ECO System.

flexiWAN provides unique networking technology and open architecture for SD-WAN & SASE. It’s disrupts and democratizes the SD-WAN and SASE market with its 3 world First SD-WAN & SASE Open Source, First application store for SD-WAN & SASE, and First SaaS business model for SD-WAN & SASE

In addition to being a complete solution, flexiWAN removes vendor lock-in and breaks networking monopolies by slicing SD-WAN horizontally allowing for dynamic 3rd party applications (Smartphone concept) to be loaded and run in the data flow of the router or in the cloud management system.


This chart bootstraps flexiEdge as a Kubernetes VM intsnace on top of KubeVirt technology.


The flexiEdge HelmChart is focused on flexiEdge deployment configuration.

To keep this HelmChart as generic as possible we tend to avoid integrating any third party solutions nor any specific use cases.

Accordingly, the encouraged approach to fulfill your needs:

  1. override the default flexiEdge configuration values (yaml file or cli)
  2. append your own configurations (kubectl apply -f myconf.yaml)
  3. extend this HelmChart (as a Subchart)

Application Description

As Kubernetes containerized platforms become the next generation universal platform for Edge and Networking. The integration of flexiWAN makes it easy for Service Providers, ISVs, and SIs to onboard this technology and offer services based on it. This Helm Chart installs a flexiEdge networking Edge instance for secure connectivity supporting scenarios such as branch-to branch, branch-to-PoP, or remote user to branch offices or PoP.

The application is centrally managed from the cloud using flexiManage. It enhances the traffic availability, quality and security in the network.



With the command helm version, make sure that you have:

With the command kubectl version, make sure that you have:

With the command kubectl get kubevirt.kubevirt.io/kubevirt -n kubevirt -o=jsonpath="{.status.observedKubeVirtVersion}", make sure that you have

With the command cat /etc/cni/net.d/00-multus.conf | jq .cniVersion, make sure that you have:

Using SRIOV based interface requires to have the SRIOV Network Device Plugin installed and configured.

Adding Chart Repository

Add flexiEdge’s chart repository to Helm: Artifact Hub

For Main

helm repo add flexiwan https://helm.flexiwan.com/main

For Testing

helm repo add flexiwan https://helm.flexiwan.com/testing

For Unstable

helm repo add flexiwan https://helm.flexiwan.com/unstable

You can update the chart repository by running:

helm repo update

Deploying the chart

To install the chart with the release name flexiedge:

helm install flexiedge flexiwan/flexiedge

Tip: List all releases using helm list -A

Undeploying the Chart

To uninstall/delete the flexiedge deployment:

$ helm delete flexiedge

The command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release.


Image parameters

Name Description Value
ImageVersion flexiEdge Docker Image version latest

Kubernetes parameters

Name Description Value
KubernetesAPI Kubernetes API Address ""

flexiEdge parameters

Name Description Value
flexiedge.token flexiWAN organization token for device registration. ""

Kubevirt parameters

Name Description Value
kubevirt.name VirtualMachines Name. flexiedge
kubevirt.running VirtualMachines Run Strategies. Determines whether or not there should be a guest running. true
kubevirt.memory VirtualMachines Memory allocation (Minimum 4G). 4096M
kubevirt.cpu VirtualMachines VCPU allocation (Minimum 2 cores). 2
kubevirt.mount VirtualMachines Persistent Volume location on the host. /mnt

Proxy parameters

Name Description Value
proxy.httpaddress Proxy Address IP address. Ex: proxy.domain.local:9000 (optional) ""
proxy.httspaddress Proxy Address IP address. Ex: proxy.domain.local:9001 (optional) ""

Network parameters

Name Description Value
ethernets.cni0.enabled Default network interface (mandatory). Can not be disbaled. true
ethernets.cni0.type Interface type. Valid optional: bridge (mandatory) bridge
ethernets.cni0.dhcp Enable or Disable DHCP (mandatory) true
ethernets.cni0.dhcproutes Enable or Disable getting Default Gateway via DHCP (optional) true
ethernets.cni0.address If DHCP is disable, please provide an IPv4 address (mandatory) ``
ethernets.cni0.gateway if DHCP is disable, please provide an IPv4 gateway (optional) ``
ethernets.cni0.nameservers.search DNS Name Server Search flexiwan.local
ethernets.cni0.nameservers.addresses DNS Name Servers [,]
ethernets.cni1.enabled Default network interface (mandatory). true
ethernets.cni1.type Interface type. Valid optional: sriov, bridge (mandatory) sriov
ethernets.cni1.sriov SRIOV Virtual Function alias (mandatory when using type: sriov) smartedge-apps/sriov-vfio-network-c1p1
ethernets.cni1.dhcp Enable or Disable DHCP (mandatory) false
ethernets.cni1.dhcproutes Enable or Disable getting Default Gateway via DHCP (optional) true
ethernets.cni1.address If DHCP is disable, please provide an IPv4 address (mandatory)
ethernets.cni1.gateway if DHCP is disable, please provide an IPv4 gateway (optional) ``
ethernets.cni1.nameservers.search DNS Name Server Search flexiwan.local
ethernets.cni1.nameservers.addresses DNS Name Servers [,]


The following example provide a way to deploy flexiEdge with the following parameters:

helm install flexiwan flexiwan/flexiedge  --set ethernets.cni0.dhcproutes=false --set ethernets.cni1.type=sriov \
--set ethernets.cni1.sriov=smartedge-apps/sriov-vfio-network-c1p1 --set ethernets.cni1.dhcp=false \
--set ethernets.cni1.address= --set ethernets.cni1.gateway= --KubernetesAPI= \

NAME: flexiedge
LAST DEPLOYED: Sun Aug 28 16:40:24 2022
NAMESPACE: default
STATUS: deployed
Thank you for using flexiWAN - The World’s First Open Source SD-WAN & SASE

1. flexiEdge is now running on your Kubernetes cluster

2. NOTE: It may take a few minutes for the VM to be available.
   You can watch the status of by running 'kubectl get --namespace flexiedge vmi -w'

3. To uninstall helm chart use the command:
   helm delete flexiedge


Exposing the flexiEdge dashboard

This HelmChart does not expose the flexiEdge dashboard by default, for security concerns. Thus, there are multiple ways to expose the dashboard. For instance, the dashboard access could be achieved through a port-forward :

kubectl port-forward $(kubectl get pods --selector "app.kubernetes.io/name=flexiEdge" --output=name) 8080:80

Accessible with the url:

Another way would be to apply your own configuration, for instance, by defining and applying an IngressRoute CRD.

Uninstall the Chart

In order to delete flexiWAN simply run the following comman

$ helm uninstall flexiedge
release "flexiedge" uninstalled


To troubleshoot the Helm Chart installation process:

$ helm list
NAME            NAMESPACE       REVISION        UPDATED                                 STATUS          CHART           APP VERSION
flexiedge       default         1               2022-08-28 18:27:28.471894243 +0000 UTC deployed        flexiedge-0.0.1 latest
$ get pod -n flexiedge
NAME                            READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
virt-launcher-flexiedge-kxrft   1/1     Running   0          2m6s
$ kubectl get vmi -n flexiedge
NAME        AGE     PHASE     IP              NODENAME            READY
flexiedge   2m47s   Running   ubuntu-4042ff21dd   True

Ubuntu 18.04 LTS flexiedge ttyS0

flexiedge login:


To troubleshoot flexiWAN issues refer to the troubleshooting guide here.

Additional Information

After deploying flexiWAN, follow the documentation steps here to complete the configuration.

Related material


If you want to contribute to this chart, please read the Contributing Guide.